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Which class do you go to?

I go to Tuesday night class in Carlton.

When did you start hooping?

I started hooping last winter, Julyish 2016.

What inspired you to join hoop class?

I’d met Donna before starting classes, and she seemed like a positive, fun , funky woman and I wanted to check out the classes she taught. I was feeling inspired to try hooping again (I had taken classes before moving to Melbourne, but wasn’t in to them), and was also looking for something to do to get me out of the house on the cold winter nights.

What do you love about hoop class?

I I love that my mind is engaged while my body is working out intricate movements I’ve never even thought of or tried doing before. I feel like I’m getting to know myself and my body through playing with a hoop, and it’s pretty fun.

Words of advice for people starting out or thinking about getting in on the hoop spin?

Just allow yourself to feel nervous and go to a class anyway. Getting to that first class is a little bit of discomfort for a LOT of reward. Ultimately you have to try it out to know if you love it or not. I didn’t immediately love hooping, but kept going to classes and slowly I started to like my time with the hoop more and more, and now hoop class is something I look forward to all week.



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